Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Greatest Idea of Our Age

Think of the mortal terror that you will see in your enemy's eyes when, confronted by them in a dark and lonely alley, you reach for your waist and begin to undo your belt...

More incredible than any science fiction thriller…RazorRazor has reinvented a massive sword (RazorSword) into a complete modern and concealed weapon system, called the BeltSword System. For the first time in the history on Planet Earth; we have a practical, lethal, and totally concealed massive sword fitted into a weapon system called the BeltSword. The massive sword (RazorSword) is worn totally hidden around your waist, behind your leather belt, and in total comfort. The massive RazorSword is instantly accessible! At a mere touch, strike mode is initiated; deployment is “Lightening Fast”!

If this sounds like a great idea to you...then you sir, are a lunatic. Which means you are exactly the kind of person who should be reading this blog!


adam said...

I have a birthday coming up...