"Welcome to the internet, douche!"
Oh my God...those guys totally get their own schtick. Their website is hilarious.
Nate, you have discovered something wonderful. Even Tony Romo likes them. http://www.salon.com/ent/video_dog/misc/2007/02/15/mr_belding_tony_romo_metal_band/index.html?source=rssHow the hell did these guys get so popular among famous people?
That one chick is kind of cute.
James, that's so wrong.
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Oh my God...those guys totally get their own schtick. Their website is hilarious.
Nate, you have discovered something wonderful. Even Tony Romo likes them.
How the hell did these guys get so popular among famous people?
That one chick is kind of cute.
James, that's so wrong.
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